Shailendra Sukul (BSc.)

P.O. Box 8370,

Nakasi Park Estate,

Fiji Islands

Phone (679)411213

Fax (679)300770

E-mail [email protected]


Home Phone:  679-411213                                 Work:  679-313122

Address:   P O Box 8370, Nakasi, Fiji Islands   Email: [email protected]

Residential Status

Will arrive in Melbourne from Fiji on 13th April 2001. Possess Australian residential visa.

Visa Number: 6210230859K

Summary of qualifications

1996 - 1998        The University of the South Pacific       Laucala Beach, Fiji Islands

Bachelor of Science


·         2000        The University of the South Pacific  Laucala Beach, Fiji Islands

·         Post-graduate certificate in Computing


Work experience

Dec/1998 - June/1999           Elane Electronics Limited                     Suva, Fiji Islands

Software Engineer

·         Programmed micro-processor like chips for electronic postage scales in assembly language

·         Developed a new model of scale for the German market

·         Changed postage rates for scales

·         Programmed interface between a scale and a franking machine to print labels

·         Trained junior programmer in the Mitsubishi MELPS 740 series assembly language

·         See attached page for details



July/1999 - Current               Carpenters Fiji Limited                          Suva, Fiji Islands

Applications Programmer

·         Write, test and maintain computer programs to meet the application needs of end users of networked computer systems

·         Researching and resolve customer queries in association with specialist consultants

·         Debugging and analysis of programs

·         Design and develop software solutions for Carpenters Motors and Carpenters Shipping

·         Create functional specifications and quotations

·         Modification/customization of programs

·         Develop small database systems in other languages (such as MS-Access and Visual Basic) when requested by sub-divisions

·         Documentation as required

·         Diagnosis and resolution of database problems on a Unix platform

·         Basic diagnosis and resolution of networking and OS problems

·         Web page development for company in MS FrontPage 2000

·         Development work in Visual Basic 6.0

·         See attached page for details


1996 - 1998                             University of the South Pacific           Suva, Fiji Islands

Bachelor of Science in  Mathematics, Computing

·         Majored in Mathematics and Computing

·         Undertook a full-time, 3 year course and graduated in Dec/1998

2000                                        University of the South Pacific           Suva, Fiji Islands

Post graduate certificate in Computing Science


·         Proficient in the following languages; Oracle, Informix, C/C++, Visual Basic 6.0, MS-Access, jBASE (a derivative of Dartmouth BASIC, is like PICK BASIC), Pascal, Lisp, Prolog, Mitsubishi MELPS 740 Series assembly language, HTML, Unix and DOS


Completed a defensive driving course at National Transport Authority of Fiji


Elane Electronics Limited

Carpenters Fiji Limited

Interests and activities

Programming computer games, reading, horse riding, swimming and gym

Awards received

Second prize in Fiji National Mathematics Quiz (1995)

ChemQuiz award for receiving the third highest marks in Fiji (1993)

Highest marks received in the Fiji Entrance Examination for the Nausori Division (1990)



Kamal Goundar                                         Pido Ferrar

IT Manager                                               Director

Carpenters Fiji Limited                            Elane Electronics Limited

Phone: 679313122                                    Phone: 679384660

Email: [email protected]   Email: [email protected]

Detailed Explanation of My Occupation at Elane Electronics Limited



I was employed at Elane Electronics Limited as a software engineer for the period from Dec/1998 to June/1999 and was responsible for programming microprocessor like chips for electronic postage scales called EPROM (Electronically Programmable Read Only Memory). I used the Mitsubishi MELPS 740 Series assembly language for programming. I also devised assembly programs for interfacing the scale with other devices such as a franking machine through the scale’s communication port. This occupation was highly specialized and I was the first local to work for the company. I also programmed the more expensive scales that had an erasable memory called EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory). I then trained a junior programmer in assembly language.


My duties were to write the assembly code for scales, whose specifications would be supplied to me by my supervisor, within a specified time frame.  My experimental programs would be downloaded into a test scale using a romter and once perfected, it would be loaded into an EPROM chip using a hardware device called an EPROM programmer and the completed scale sent to the customer for approval. I had finished coding for a new German scale when I resigned from work.

My other duty was to amend postage rates for existing scales when the postage rates for country change and then send the amended chip back to the customer for approval.


I also programmed our more expensive scales for interfacing with a franking machine that prints labels directly from the scale. Some more expensive scales also had memory for storing new postage rates so that instead of sending the scales back to the company for postage changes, the customer could program the postage changes.

I also was involved in the training of a junior programmer in assembly language, providing hands on training in scale programming.



Detailed Explanation of My Occupation at Carpenters Fiji Limited


                I started employment at Carpenters Fiji Limited in July/1999 and am currently still working here as an Applications Programmer. Carpenters Fiji Limited is a big corporate company that is organized into five major divisions. I was assigned to the Shipping and Motors division, with the Motors division being the largest division overall with over one million items on the database. I am also in charge of web development for my company.


                Prior to my confirmation, I was trained informally in computer hardware and the jBASE software. The JBASE software is similar in syntax to PICK and in fact several applications written in PICK are still in use at Carpenters.


                The Motors division runs on the Pick Motor Dealer System, which is purchased under license from the Newmans Company in Australia (now called Auto IT). The software is written in the PICK language and we have a similar language called JBASE, which is the tool that is used for programming/modification at Carpenters. My job is to support and maintain/modify the Motors software. The network users report program errors to me and I diagnose and solve the problems. I also develop new applications in JBASE if the need arises.


My work here involves researching and resolving customer queries in association with specialist consultants; Debugging and analysis of programs; Design and development of software solutions; Creation of functional specifications and quotations; Modification/customization of programs; Documentation as required; Diagnosis and resolution of database problems on UNIX platform; Basic diagnosis and resolution of networking and OS problems; and a bit of web programming.  I also have designed small applications in MS-Access/VB for remote Motors divisions that are not online.


                I have written a small-scale networked database using jBASE for our Shipping division to record vessel arrivals to Fiji. Its analysis, design, implementation and documentation were totally done by me. The database was developed with an intention to integrate it with the databases already in use in the other divisions of the company. In the process of my development, I noticed a general lack of flexibility due to jBASE’s inability to provide for GUI interfaces and I developed an algorithm for browsing a list in a window that is vaguely similar to the Windows environment.


                I am also doing development work in Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server for my company as well as development in a company web page. The Company’s web page has been designed using FrontPage 2000 and JavaScript. The web page gives an overview of the company's operations for the Motor's division, which in turn is made up of a number of departments. Further on, there is an intention of converting jbase programs to visual basic, using a jbase obdc driver to link jbase tables.